We are a parent/teacher organization devoted to the educational success of our children and our school. Your membership dues, fundraising, and volunteer efforts help to bring all of our amazing programs, field trips, activities, and so much more to our school! Thank you for being part of our PTA and supporting your Chaparral Champions!

The PTA nominating committee met on February 12th, 2025 to consider all eligible candidates for the 2025-2026 term of office. On behalf of the nominating committee, we present the proposed slate of candidates for the association’s consideration.

The election will take place at our General Association Meeting on Thursday, March 20th, 2025 at 7PM.  We encourage all PTA members to attend, vote, and be a part of shaping our PTA’s leadership for the upcoming year. Your participation is essential in supporting our school community.

We are looking to fill the VP of Programs and Facilities roles for the 2025-2026 school year.  If you, or someone you know, may be interested, please complete this form and return it to the school's office.

Vice President of Programs

Manages the committees responsible for the programs that the PTA promotes.  Some of these programs include Red Ribbon Week, Celebration Books, Family Fun Nights, Follies, Yearbook, Fast Feet Friday, etc.


Schedules and arranges the use of all fields, rooms, and other school spaces for PTA events and activities.

  • Potential nominees must be a PTA member. 
  • PTA Executive Officer must be willing to attend monthly Board & Association meetings. 
  • PTA Officer must be willing to attend training for the position to which they would be elected. 
  • PTA Officer Position is held for 2 consecutive years; however an election is held every spring and is possible for an officer to only be in office for 1 year.

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