The students and staff at Chaparral depend on volunteers throughout the year. Your participation directly benefits all students and we would love for you to join us by finding an area(s) that may interest you. Please let us know where you are willing to help. Thank you from all of the students and staff at Chaparral!
Volunteers who help on campus must be Tier 1 cleared through the district and completed LiveScan finger printing. It is an easy process and we can help you through it if you have not done it previously.
Details and sign up information will be sent home in your student's Champion folder and emailed 1-2 weeks before each event.
Assist with the collection and sorting of recyclables.
(Wednesdays 7:30-8:15 AM)
Mark laps, pass out charms, and cheer for our athletes.
(Fridays 9:25-10:40 AM)
Play at recesses, help students and staff for the day, and be a positive male role model.
(Throughout the Year)
Assist with sales, help students select books, setup and/or cleanup
Contact businesses, create baskets, assist at event
Plan, decorate, or assist with activities
Assist with setup, during event, and clean up after
Assisting with student activities
(Friday, February 7th)
Set up, help distribute water and popsicles (Friday, 10/25/24)
Assist with daily activities
(10/21/24 - 10/24/24)
Setup before event, help with food and drinks at event, clean up after event
(Wednesday, 10/2/24)
Setup, tear down, or supervise student games and activities during event
(Friday 9/27/24)
Communicate between teachers and parents, plan and delegate classroom activities and celebrations.
Help students with reading, writing, and math, grade papers, and more.
Make copies for our teachers. Volunteers needed Tuesdays and Thursdays.